Friday, November 18, 2011

Halloween night

I know having inflatable Halloween decorations in the yard seems like a sin but I have a 6 year old and sometimes he is the decorating boss, and with the new clinic and my scarecrow contest entry I had no time to work on anything for our home haunt this year.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

More to come

I know that I have been lax in my blogging but I have been working rather hard to keep my right eye.  I've been fighting a nasty infection since Halloween night.  Infection is gone and my eyesight has mostly returned and I will be back to the blog in no time.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Post Halloween Illness Strikes again

Due to a pretty severe double eye infection its been a while since my last post.  Halloween has come and gone and it was one of the best.  It was reminiscent of  Halloween from my childhood, our street was impassable by car because of all of the trick-or-treaters  we saw close to 300 and ran completely out of candy it was an absolute blast.  Gabe wanted to be a ninja this year and insisted on handing out the candy when we got back from his run of trick-or-treating.